Rule 25. Filing and Service
(1) Filing with the Clerk. A paper required or permitted to be filed in a court of appeals must be filed with the clerk.
(2) Filing: Method and Timeliness.
(A) Nonelectronic Filing.
(i) In General. For a paper not filed electronically, filing may be accomplished by mail addressed to the clerk, but filing is not timely unless the clerk receives the papers within the time fixed for filing.
(ii) A Brief or Appendix. A brief or appendix not filed electronically is timely filed, however, if on or before the last day for filing, it is:
(iii) Inmate Filing. If an institution has a system designed for legal mail, an inmate confined there must use that system to receive the benefit of this Rule 25(a)(2)(A)(iii). A paper not filed electronically by an inmate is timely if it is deposited in the institution's internal mail system on or before the last day for filing and:
(B) Electronic Filing and Signing.
(i) By a Represented Person⎯Generally Required; Exceptions. A person represented by an attorney must file electronically, unless nonelectronic filing is allowed by the court for good cause or is allowed or required by local rule.
(ii) By an Unpresented Person⎯When Allowed or Required. A person not represented by an attorney:
(iii) Signing. A filing made through a person’s electronic-filing account and authorized by that person, together with that person’s name on a signature block, constitutes the person’s signature.
(iv) Same as Written Paper. A paper filed electronically is a written paper for purposes of these rules.
(3) Filing a Motion with a Judge. If a motion requests relief that may be granted by a single judge, the judge may permit the motion to be filed with the judge; the judge must note the filing date on the motion and give it to the clerk.
(4) Clerk's Refusal of Documents. The clerk must not refuse to accept for filing any paper presented for that purpose solely because it is not presented in proper form as required by these rules or by any local rule or practice.
(5) Privacy Protection. An appeal in a case whose privacy protection was governed by Federal Rule of Bankruptcy Procedure 9037, Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2, or Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.1 is governed by the same rule on appeal. In all other proceedings, privacy protection is governed by Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2, except that Federal Rule of Criminal Procedure 49.1 governs when an extraordinary writ is sought in a criminal case. The provisions on remote electronic access in Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5.2(c)(1) and (2) apply in a petition for review of a benefits decision of the Railroad Retirement Board under the Railroad Retirement Act.
(b) Service of All Papers Required. Unless a rule requires service by the clerk, a party must, at or before the time of filing a paper, serve a copy on the other parties to the appeal or review. Service on a party represented by counsel must be made on the party's counsel.
(e) Number of Copies. When these rules require the filing or furnishing of a number of copies, a court may require a different number by local rule or by order in a particular case.
(1) Scope of Electronic Filing. Unless granted an exception for good cause or unless filing only a disclosure statement or a motion to withdraw from representation, counsel must file all documents in accordance with the requirements of this rule. Pro se litigants are not required to file documents electronically but may be authorized to file electronically in a pending case upon compliance with the Court's CM/ECF registration requirements. Documents filed electronically must be filed in Portable Document Format (PDF). Text-searchable format is required for briefs and preferred for all documents. Except as provided below or ordered by the Court, paper copies of electronic documents are not required.
(A) New Cases. New petitions for review, applications for enforcement, petitions for permission to appeal, petitions for mandamus or prohibition, and motions to authorize successive post-conviction applications must be filed using one of the following options:
(i) Submit New Case through CM/ECF Utilities: File petition in electronic form by selecting "Submit New Case" under CM/ECF Utilities and uploading the petition as a new case. Paper copies are not required, but the petition must be served conventionally, outside the CM/ECF system. The petition is deemed filed as of the date the electronic document was received by the clerk's office.
(ii) File in Paper Form: File the original petition in paper form and serve the petition conventionally, outside the CM/ECF system. The petition is filed as of the date the paper document was received in the clerk's office. Additional copies are not required.
(B) Briefs. Formal briefs must be filed and served electronically. In addition, counsel must file any paper copies required by Local Rule 31(d). The brief is deemed filed as of the date and time stated on the notice of docket activity for the electronic brief, provided that any required paper copies are mailed, dispatched to a third-party commercial carrier, or delivered to the clerk's office by the next business day. Service of the paper brief is not required if the brief was served electronically on counsel and on any party not represented by counsel.
(C) Appendices. Formal appendices must be filed and served electronically. In addition, counsel must file any paper copies required by Local Rule 30(b)(4). The appendix is deemed filed as of the date and time stated on the notice of docket activity for the electronic filing of the appendix, provided that any required paper copies of the appendix are mailed, dispatched to a third-party commercial carrier, or delivered to the clerk's office by the next business day. Service of the paper appendix is not required if the electronic appendix was served on counsel and on any party not represented by counsel.
Vouchers. Criminal Justice Act and other payment vouchers are maintained as financial records and filed outside the CM/ECF system.
(2) Eligibility, Registration, Passwords. Attorneys who intend to practice in this Court and pro se parties who wish to file electronically in a pending case should register as filing users of the Court's CM/ECF system.
(3) Consequences of Electronic Filing. Electronic transmission of a document to CM/ECF consistent with this rule, together with the transmission of a notice of docket activity from the Court, constitutes filing of the document under the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure and the Court's local rules and constitutes entry of the document on the docket kept by the clerk under FRAP 36 and 45(b).
(4) Service of Documents by Electronic Means. The notice of docket activity that is generated by the Court's electronic filing system constitutes service of the filed document on any registered CM/ECF users, and proof of service is not required as to such users. Parties who are not registered for electronic service through CM/ECF must be served conventionally, outside the CM/ECF system, with a copy of any document filed electronically, and proof of service is required in accordance with FRAP 25(d).
(5) Entry of Court-Issued Documents. Except as otherwise provided by local rule or Court order, all orders, decrees, opinions, judgments, and proceedings of the Court relating to cases filed and maintained in the CM/ECF system will be filed electronically in accordance with these rules, which will constitute entry on the docket kept by the clerk under FRAP 36 and 45(b).
(6) Attachments and Exhibits to Motions and Original Proceedings. Unless the Court permits or requires traditional paper filing, filing users must submit in electronic form all documents referenced as exhibits or attachments. Material should be excerpted to include only such portions as are germane to the matter under consideration by the Court. Excerpted material must be clearly and prominently identified as such. The Court may require parties to file additional excerpts or the complete document.
(7) Sealed Documents. Sealed material must be filed in accordance with Local Rule 25(c) and served conventionally, outside the CM/ECF system.
(8) Retention Requirements. Documents that are electronically filed and require original signatures other than that of the filing user must be maintained in paper form by the filing user for a period of three years after issuance of the Court's final mandate in the case. On request of the Court, the filing user must provide original documents for review.
(9) Signatures. The user log-in and password required to submit documents to the CM/ECF system, together with that person’s name on a signature block, serve as the filing user's signature on all electronic documents filed with the Court. They also serve as a signature for purposes of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure, the Court's local rules, and any other purpose for which a signature is required in connection with proceedings before the Court.
(10) Notice of Court Orders and Judgments. Immediately upon the entry of an order, judgment, or opinion in a case assigned to CM/ECF, the clerk will electronically transmit a notice of docket activity to filing users in the case. Electronic transmission of the notice of docket activity constitutes the notice and service required by FRAP 36(b) and 45(c).
(11) Technical Failures. A party or attorney who is adversely affected by a technical failure in connection with filing or receipt of an electronic document may seek appropriate relief from the Court.
(12) Hyperlinks. Electronically filed documents may contain hyperlinks to: other portions of the same document or other documents filed on appeal; documents filed in the lower court that are part of the record on appeal; and statutes, rules, regulations, and opinions.
(1) Use of Email or Facsimile. Documents may be transmitted for filing by use of email or facsimile only when an emergency situation exists and advance permission has been obtained from the clerk's office. Several printing services in Richmond will accept documents by email or facsimile for in-person filing with the Court. Their telephone numbers may be obtained from the clerk's office. When a copy is filed by email or facsimile, the original, signed document need not be filed.
(2) Service. Documents filed by email or facsimile must be served outside the CM/ECF system in accordance with FRAP 25(c), and proof of service is required in accordance with FRAP 25(d). Except as otherwise provided by local rule or Court order, service on a party represented by counsel must be on all counsel of record.
(1) Certificates of Confidentiality. At the time of filing any appendix, brief, motion, or other document containing or otherwise disclosing materials held under seal by another court or agency, counsel or a pro se party shall file a certificate of confidentiality.
(2) Motions to Seal. Motions to seal all or any part of the record are presented to and resolved by the lower court or agency in accordance with applicable law during the course of trial, hearing, or other proceedings below.
(3) Filing of Confidential and Sealed Material.
(A) Appendices: When sealed material is included in the appendix, it must be segregated from other portions of the appendix and filed in a separate, sealed volume of the appendix. In criminal cases in which presentence reports are being filed for multiple defendants, each presentence report must be placed in a separate, sealed volume that is served only on counsel for the United States and for the defendant who is the subject of the report.
(B) Briefs, Motions, and Other Documents: When sealed material is included in a brief, motion, or any document other than an appendix, two versions of the document must be filed:
(C) Personal Data Identifying Information: Personal data identifying information, such as an individual's social security number, an individual's tax identification number, a minor's name, a person's birth date, a financial account number, and (in a criminal case) a person's home address, must be excluded or partially redacted from filings in accordance with FRAP 25(a)(5).
(D) Marking of Sealed and Ex Parte Material: The first page of any appendix, brief, motion, or other document tendered or filed under seal shall be conspicuously marked SEALED and all copies shall be placed in an envelope marked SEALED. If filed ex parte, the first page and the envelope shall also be marked EX PARTE.
(i) Appendices: Local Rule 30(b)(4) sets forth the number of paper copies required for public and sealed volumes of the appendix. Sealed volumes are accompanied by a certificate of confidentiality or motion to seal, in both paper and electronic form. Electronic sealed volumes are filed using the entry SEALED JOINT APPENDIX or SEALED SUPPLEMENTAL APPENDIX, which automatically seals the appendix for Court access only.
(ii) Formal Briefs: Local Rule 31(d) sets forth the number of paper copies required for public and sealed versions of formal briefs. The sealed version is accompanied by a certificate of confidentiality or motion to seal, in both paper and electronic form. The electronic sealed version of the brief is filed using the entry SEALED BRIEF, which automatically seals the brief for Court access only.
(iii) Other Documents: Any other sealed document is filed electronically using the entry SEALED DOCUMENT, which automatically seals the document for Court access only. A certificate of confidentiality or motion to seal is also filed electronically.
(F) Method of Service: All sealed appendices, briefs, and documents must be served in paper form, because only the Court can access the sealed electronic appendix, brief, or document.
(G) Responsibility for Compliance: The responsibility for following the required procedures in filing confidential and sealed material rests solely with counsel and the parties. The clerk will not review each filing for compliance with this rule.
(H) Public Access: Unless filed under seal, case documents are publicly available on the Internet, except that in immigration and social security cases, only the Court's orders and opinions are available to the public on the Internet. Remote electronic access to other documents in immigration and social security cases is available only to persons participating in the case as CM/ECF filing users. Counsel should notify clients regarding the availability of filings on the Internet so that an informed decision may be made on what information is to be included in a public document filed with the Court.
Former I.O.P.-25.1 redesignated Local Rule 25(a) December 1, 1995; amended December 1, 1998, July 2, 2012, October 1, 2015, December 9, 2019, and July 15, 2022.