Registration For Viewing Case Documents and Electronic Notice of Filings

Viewing Case Documents

  • Appellate docket sheets and documents can be viewed via PACER.
  • A PACER account is required to view documents.
  • Go to PACER for account registration information.
  • One PACER account may be used to view publicly-accessible documents in all federal courts.

Receiving Electronic Notification of Appellate Case Filings

  • Appellate CM/ECF allows members of the public to request electronic notification of filings in appellate cases.
  • Users must register for a general public access PACER account.
  • This account allows users to request electronic notification of filings in cases pending before an appellate court using the CM/ECF utility Notice for Cases of Interest. 
  • Users must submit their PACER account to the Fourth Circuit ECF System as a non-filer user in order to utilize Notice for Cases of Interest.

How to submit your PACER account to the Fourth Circuit: 

  1. If you do not have a PACER account, go to PACER Non-Attorney Registration and complete the registration process.  Then skip to step 6 below.  If you already have a PACER account, go to the PACER account management site: PACER Manage My Account and follow the steps below.
  2. Enter your PACER username and password. 
  3. Select Login.
  4. Select Maintenance.
  5. Select Non-Attorney E-File Registration.PACER-NonAtty-eFile
  6. Select U.S. Appellate Courts from the Court Type drop down.
  7. Select U.S. Court of Appeals Fourth Circuit from the Court drop down.
  8. Select Public Interested Party.
  9. Check the box next to "I acknowledge. . ."PACER-NonAtty-Registration
  10. Scroll down and enter your information in the Delivery Method and Formatting section.
  11. Select Next. PACER-NonAtty-eFile2
  12. On the Payment Information screen, select Next.  
  13. Review the E-Filing Terms of Use agreement and check the two acknowledgement boxes.
  14. Select Submit PACER-NonAtty-eFile3
  15. The confirmation page will appear.  Select DonePACER-NonAtty-eFile4                              
  16. After the Fourth Circuit activates your account, you will receive a confirmation email.
  17. Login to PACER and select the Notice for Cases of Interest utility.