On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the federal judiciary will implement the latest version of the CJA eVoucher program. This update includes a significant change which affects the way attorneys and experts sign into the program. After May 11, all attorneys and experts will need to have a Login.gov account to sign in to CJA eVoucher. If you do not already have a Login.gov account, you will need to create an account, complete the identity verification process, and set up a multi-factor authentication method before being able to access CJA eVoucher. This step can be completed in advance of the update. For users with an existing Login.gov account, you will be able to link your account to your CJA eVoucher Single Login Profile the first time you sign in after May 11.
Attorney or expert users with an existing Login.gov account attached to other accounts which may contain personal identifiable information (PII), such as the Social Security Administration or CBP Trusted Traveler Programs, may want to consider creating a separate Login.gov account to use with CJA eVoucher if they share their login credentials with support staff. Remember to create a multi-factor authentication method accessible by support staff. For companies providing expert services, only one Login.gov account will be able to be linked to your CJA eVoucher Single Login Profile. Therefore, we suggest a principal or the office manager be selected as the sole account manager.
Please note, if you have trouble on the Login.gov screens, contact the Login.gov help at https://www.login.gov/help/. If you have trouble on the eVoucher screens, contact the 4th Circuit CJA helpdesk at 4cca-CJA@ca4.uscourts.gov or 804-916-2703.
New training materials are available:
• eVoucher with Login.gov Instructions (https://www.ca4.uscourts.gov/docs/pdfs/evoucher-with-login.gov.pdf)
• eVoucher with Login.gov Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQlwGERUy_g)
There is one more change to note - attorneys can no longer suggest new expert users. If a new expert needs to be added to eVoucher, email 4cca-CJA@ca4.uscourts.gov with the name of the expert, their address, phone number, email address, category of expert, and SSN or EIN.