Login.gov & eVoucher
On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the federal judiciary implemented the latest version of the CJA eVoucher program. This update includes a significant change which affects the way attorneys and experts sign in. After May 11, all attorneys and experts will need to have a Login.gov account to sign in to CJA eVoucher. If you do not already have a Login.gov account, you will need to create an account, complete the identity verification process, and set up a multi-factor authentication method before being able to access CJA eVoucher. This step can be completed in advance of the update. For users with an existing Login.gov account, you will be able to link your account to your CJA eVoucher Single Login Profile the first time you sign in after May 11.
Single Login Profile
Beginning February 21, 2021, attorneys and experts will login to eVoucher using an email address and password. Starting May 11, 2024, your eVoucher Single Login Profile will be linked to Login.gov to login to eVoucher. If you have more than one eVoucher account, you will be able to link them to a single login and switch between accounts from within eVoucher without having to maintain separate logins.
For questions or inquiries about the Fourth Circuit's eVoucher system, contact the Fourth Circuit CJA Help Desk at
4cca-cja@ca4.uscourts.gov (804) 916-2703.